Mission, Vision, Values
Mission, Vision, Values & Commitments
Our Mission
"Inspiring Purpose, Pride, and Performance in EVERY student"
Our Vision
Mountain Pointe High School will:
- have High Levels of Learning for all students through High Performing Professional Learning Communities.
- have a Safe and Welcoming Community that attends to the social and emotional needs of our students and staff.
- have a culture in which students and staff are Connected to School and Community.
Our Values
- Perseverance:
“We demonstrate dedication, determination, and personal responsibility in pursuit of our goals and dreams.” - Respect:
“We celebrate the integrity and worth of each individual and esteem the diverse cultures, talents, and skills that each individual brings to our community.” - Innovation:
“We foster and reward new, creative, and imaginative approaches and ideas. - Dedication to Life Long Learning:
“We emphasize learning as essential for continuously expanding horizons and achieving dreams.” - Excellence:
“We seek to be the best we can be in all aspects of the Mountain Pointe experience.”
Our Commitments
Connected to School and Community
- celebrating student and staff success (Excellence)
- guiding each student in the transition to high school, through high school, and beyond high school (Perseverance)
- promoting extra-curricular leadership among students and staff by providing a diverse selection of opportunities that will enrich/support relevant academic connections (Dedication to lifelong learning)
- prioritizing philanthropic leadership
- in extra-curricular programming to maintain community partnerships (Respect)
Safe and Welcoming Community
- fostering positive character and accountability that values individuality (Respect)
- developing positive relationships with/ among students/staff by treating each other with dignity and respect (Respect)
- providing support through the use of support groups, individual counseling, peer mediation, and Response Counselor of the Day (Dedication to Lifelong Learning)
- holding students accountable for their academic and behavioral success (Excellence)
- providing student incentives for positive behavior choices through PBIS strategies (Respect)
High Levels of Learning through High Performing Professional Communities
- implementing research-based instructional strategies (Innovation)
- adhering to the district-approved scope and sequence (Excellence)
- having staff work in a collaborative environment (Dedicated to Lifelong Learning)
- using the Instructional Cycle to enhance student learning (Innovation)
- incorporating the components of the Formative Assessment Process into daily instruction (Excellence)
- increasing rigor in every class through the use of Webb’s Depth of Knowledge strategies (Perseverance)
- honoring classroom instruction time by minimizing interruptions in order to maximize student learning (Respect)
- providing intervention and enrichment for all students (Perseverance)