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Attendance Policy

The right and privilege of attending public school carries with it certain responsibilities on the part of parents and students. High school attendance is ultimately the responsibility of the student and his/her family. It is important that parents and students recognize the direct relationship that exists between academic success and regular school attendance.

Absence - A student who arrives more than 20 minutes late is considered absent.
Excused absence - An absence is excused if a parent or guardian notifies the school. The reason for the absence must be given.
Off-Campus Pass - Generated by the front office staff allowing students to leave campus with parent/guardian permission.
School-related absence - If a student misses class due to a pre-approved school-related activity, it will not count as an absence.
Suspension - The days of suspension do not count as absences for attendance policy.
Tardy - A student is tardy when s/he is not in class when the tardy bell rings.
Unexcused absence - Any absence that is not excused by a parent or guardian.

A student is allowed no more than 10 absences, excused or unexcused per class per semester. The 11th absence may result in loss of credit unless there are extenuating circumstances. The following are examples of extenuating circumstances: hospitalization, personal/health reasons, family issues, chronic health issues, college visits, runaways, drug rehabilitation, parents kept child out, and parent issues. Contact the Dropout Prevention Coordinator with questions regarding extenuating circumstances. The 16th total absence, excused or unexcused, will result in a loss of credit for the class, with the exception being the student is on a chronic health plan.

Students will be disciplined as a result of unexcused absences. Consequences will include any of the following depending on the severity of student non-compliance: in-school suspension, off-campus suspension and withdrawal from class. 
Seniors must be enrolled in four credit-bearing classes. All other students will need to be enrolled in six credit-bearing classes.

Parent Notification
Automated calling system will call at 9 a.m. and at the end of day on all absences for students. 
At the 11th absence, students may be dropped from class. Parent will be notified.

Makeup Work
It is the student’s responsibility to obtain makeup work from his/her teachers.

  • Excused absence - Students will be allowed the number of days absent to make up assignments.
  • Suspension - Students who are suspended from school will be allowed the number of days suspended to make up assignments. Work that was assigned prior to an absence will be due upon return to class.
  • Unexcused absence - Students will be accountable for information missed. 

Release Hours
Seniors may have up to two release periods but must be enrolled in four credit-bearing classes. In order to leave campus during the school day, seniors must display a release sticker on their school ID.

Release for Work Study Program and EVIT
Students in DECA, Advanced Marketing, Business Internship and EVIT must display a release sticker on their school ID.

Attendance Procedure
The following is a summary of the Mountain Pointe Attendance procedure:

Parent Calls
Only the parent/legal guardian of the student can notify the school of an absence or request an off-campus pass. When a parent/legal guardian calls to excuse their student, the absence is listed as excused and the reason given is documented.

To leave campus a student’s parent/guardian must call the attendance office on the day of and 30 minutes prior to the time of the absence to receive an off-campus pass and be excused. Students who are ill must report to the nurse. The nurse will make arrangements with the parent/guardian with regard to how the student will get home. Students will not receive off-campus passes to leave for lunch.

Unexcused Absence
If a parent does not call on the same day of the absence and the teacher enters the student absent, the computer automatically records that student unexcused.

Attendance Pointes

First page of the PDF file: ATT_Pointes_for_newsletter_-_from_JP_6-2-21

MP | How to Report an Absence

Dial 480-759-8449 ext. 1

2 – to report an absence for grades 9 or 10
3 – to report an absence for grades 11 or 12

After message and tone, please verbally state the following information:

  • Spell the student’s last name, then give the first name
  • ID Number
  • Date of absence
  • Periods missed
  • The reason for the absence
  • Your relationship to the student
  • Phone number where you can be reached

Request an Off-campus Pass

Dial (480) 759-8449 (Parent/Guardians)

Enter Ext. 50690

After the message & tone, please clearly state the following information:

  • Student ID Number
  • Spell the student’s last name, then give the first name
  • Your name and relationship to the student
  • Time of Departure
  • Reason for Departure
  • Time student will return
  • Student must check-in at the front office upon their return

Helpful Hint:

Please call in advance. Calling 30 minutes ahead of departure time will reduce your wait time.

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