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Educational Services

The IEP Services Staff at Mountain Pointe High School addresses various areas of exceptionality. A general understanding of people who have learning differences is promoted among the Mountain Pointe staff. Our goal is to provide students educational opportunities that maximize their instructional capabilities encouraging them to become responsible and productive citizens. Students benefit from direct instruction, collaborative teaching, an integrated curriculum, and instructional modifications/accommodations. Parental participation is a key element of our teaching approach. We take pride in our students' success as they achieve their goals.

Program Highlights:

Special Olympics: Special Olympics mission is to provide sports training and athletic competition. Students have opportunities to develop physical fitness and form friendships with other Special Olympic athletes. Special Olympics allows students to participate in a variety of sports. Currently, students are involved in bowling tournaments. Without volunteers, Special Olympics could not offer the many opportunities it does for students.

Best Buddies: Best Buddies is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to enhancing the lives of people with intellectual disabilities by providing opportunities for one-to-one friendships and integrated employment.

IEP Services 21-22

MP Educational Services Contact

Erin Preston
Educational Services Department Chair
480-759-8449 ext. 50169

Click here to access Special Medical Needs forms

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