Fine Arts
Fine Arts - The Pride Arts Center Encompasses the Visual & Performing Arts
Visual Arts
The Mountain Pointe Visual Arts has one of the largest and finest selections of classes for students to choose from in the district. Students are exposed to advanced techniques in drawing, painting, ceramics, printmaking, photography, and computer graphic design. This studio-based program challenges each student to see the world differently, to solve visual problems, and emphasizes visual arts' role throughout history and modern culture.
Performing Arts
The Mountain Pointe Performing Arts Department is dedicated to providing our students with the finest opportunities in Music, Theatre, and Dance. Performance is the keyword and our students perform both for our local community and on a national stage in competitions and performances. With programs like The Lionheart Marching Band, Acapella Choir, and The Mountain Pointe Theatre Company, students are challenged to become outstanding in whatever they choose to focus on.
Pride Art Center Goals
- 100% of all students enrolled in Visual and Performing Arts courses will participate in at least one show or performance during the school year
- The Visual and Performing Arts will revisit and revise the comprehensive guidelines for its seniors participating in the Academy graduation track and work with guidance to incorporate some of those guidelines into senior year activities
- The Visual and Performing Arts will support the implementation of canvas where it applies to our curriculum
- The Visual and Performing Arts will support school-wide achievement goals by identifying and focusing on the Arizona College and Career Ready Standards in our current curriculum during our PLC meetings on early out days
Department Highlights
MP Fine Arts Contact
Kim Bonagofski
Fine Arts Department Chair
480-759-8449 ext. 50162