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Larry Thomas Memorial Scholarship

About the Larry Thomas Memorial Scholarship

Scholarship description: Larry Thomas Memorial Scholarship

Larry "Coach" Thomas was a teacher, a counselor, a coach, and a former Marine, a graduate of Tempe High, and worked at Mountain Pointe High School as the Dropout Prevention Coordinator and Head Track Coach. Larry also co-founded the Arizona Saints in Laveen and held numerous coaching positions throughout the valley. Those that knew Larry immediately believed in his word and promise to help those, especially young people, become the best they could be. Larry knew if there was a will, he would help find a way. This scholarship was developed by family, friends, and the general community to help young people achieve their goal of higher learning. Thank you, “LT”, for your dedication, support, and the lifelong impact we will cherish forever.

Students: Apply to the Larry Thomas Memorial Scholarship Today!

To apply, please complete an online application on the website.  Below are the minimum requirements for senior applicants. Deadline to apply is February 13, 2023.  Please help spread the word to our seniors!

Larry Thomas Memorial Scholarship Requirements:

    • Mountain Pointe graduating senior
    • There will be three $1,000 scholarships awarded. One to a student who has successfully participated in Athletics for two or more years; one to a student who has achieved outstanding academic performance (3.75+ GPA); and a scholarship to a student who has participated in Fine Arts two or more years.
    • Work Experience or a minimum of 35 hours of community service
    • Activities and Leadership Contributions
    • Primary reference from school or professional
    • Minimum 2.5 GPA. Candidates will be asked to complete an online application Details are on the Tempe Dollars for Scholars Website.
    • $1,000 awarded to any institute of higher learning

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The Larry Thomas Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to three Mt. Pointe students. The scholarships are supported by the Larry Thomas Youth Development Foundation.